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Songs of the Rat Pack Era!

  • Arrivederci Wine and Jazz 17023Southeast McLoughlin Boulevard Milwaukie, OR, 97267 United States (map)

The Rats live on, embracing the Mad Men and Breakfast at Tiffany’s era of swingin’ tunes, with some great music to sweeten the vibe. Steve Hanneman and the original crew embody the craziness you have come to know and love! Bo and Barbara join Steve, Ted Swenson, and Danny Wold for a night of musical gems from Las Vegas past, with guest, Shaymus Hanlin, embodying Frank Sinatra. These are always delightful shows, with a lot of fun mixed in with the retro tunes. The joint is always jumpin’ on these nights, because no matter what’s happening outside, it’s really happening inside where the band is playing. Make your reservations early - these shows sell out fast!!! Come on over to the ‘Derci and revel with us for a great evening! Call 503-659-1143 or visit for reservations.

January 23

If it's Tuesday, it must be Bo Ayars Piano Bar!

January 28

AX2 Vocal Performance Master Class